Music and Arts


Worship is a foundation of what we do at FPCA, and we recognize that worship comes in many forms.

Offering our creative gifts in worship—as in music, painting, sewing, and flowers—is an important way we give glory to God with the special talents and skills our Creator God has given us! We would love for you to add your gifts to our worship life through music or other arts.

Worship through Art

The Visual Arts Ministry Team of FPCA works to creatively engage the congregation in creating and appreciating visual arts.

The Litugical Arts Team reflects on scripture and liturgical year to develop art to be used in worship. From paraments to banners, stoles to bulletin covers, this group of people prayerfully and intentionally creates art to draw people into the worship of God. This is a wonderful team to be a part of if you enjoy the arts—regardless of skill level.

Our Gallery located on first floor by the top of the stairs is where we share art created by our congregation as well as the wider community. Sometimes the art aligns with the church calendar or maybe a social justice topic. This team is always looking for people who like to go to local galleries, have a heart for the arts, and/or can help with logistical details.

Worship Through The Flower Guild

The Flower Guild arranges the flowers for worship including poinsettias and greenery for Advent and flowers and lilies for Easter.

They also provide flowers for arrangements for the homebound. There are many ways to help- please email Sandy Sellers for information or to sign up.

Opportunities for flower dedications are available. Dedications will be printed in each Sunday’s bulletin.

To sign up, please contact: Sandy Sellers, or Babbie Shelton,

Worship Through Music

Music is a vital part of worship, and for many of us using our musical gifts for God’s glory is the primary way we worship.

Chancel Choir

Our Chancel Choir is led by the Director of Music. The choir is made up of volunteers who find joy in praising God through music and helping to lead our worship and is augmented by professional section leaders.

The choir rehearses on Wednesdays from 7:00 to 8:30 pm. They sing for most Sunday services from September through early June as well as Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and other special services. The Chancel Choir sings a varied repertoire, spanning from renaissance to 20th-century music, spirituals, and contemporary compositions. No audition is required.

Occasionally, a pop-up choir sings at the 8:45 am worship service. If you are interested in joining this group, please email the Director of Music.

Youth Choir

Youth Choir is for students in 6th through 12 grade and is led by the Director of Music. They typically meet in the Choir Room on Sundays from 4:15-5:15 directly before youth dinner and youth group. The Youth Choir helps lead Sunday morning worship a number of times throughout the year. They also help plan and sing at special events and services throughout the year.

Children’s Choirs

There are two opportunities for music with children at FPC-A. Chorister Choir, for children in 3rd – 5th grade, is led by the Director of Music. Cherub Choir, for children K – 2nd grade, is led by Kim Thomas, Assistant to the Director.  Both Chorister and Cherub Choirs meet on Wednesday evenings from September through early May. Children are invited to have dinner with their families from 5:15 to 5:50 in the Fellowship Hall.

At 6:00 we move to rehearsals where we learn about faith, worship, and music all while having fun. Kids will learn the ins and outs of our worship, how to read the hymnal, and become literate in music. We often use our collection of drums and rhythm instruments, chimes and bells, and Orff instruments. The children ordinarily help lead in worship once a month at 11:00 am.

Handbells and Instruments

Periodically, we put together instrumental groups or groups to ring handbells in worship. If you are a bellringer or play another instrument, please email the Director of Music. We would love for you to share your gifts!

Instruments of the Church

Worship and music at FPCA is supported by superb musical instruments. FPCA’s sanctuary is home to the 2014 Holtkamp Organ and a custom rebuilt 9’ Baldwin grand piano.

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