Care Ministries



Care is an important for our congregation and is a part of all of our ministries at First Presbyterian Asheville. From lending a listening ear over coffee after worship, to praying in a group, or a visit by one of our pastors, deacons, or elders, care is a key way to share the love of God with others.

Please let the church office know about illnesses, hospitalizations, and other life challenges.


Our deacons have several key ministries to support the care of our congregation.

You do not need to be a deacon to be on one of these teams. Please reach out if you would like more information on being on one of these teams.

TheVisitation Team delivers flowers from our services and visits with people.

Our Prayer Team meets twice a month to pray for those on our prayer list, as well as our birthdays!

The New Member Team helps our new members find their place of connection in our congregation.

The Bereavement Team works with staff and families to support funerals and memorial services. 

Phone Requests

For prayer requests and non-emergency calls during business hours 9-4 or to leave a message for someone at the church office, call (828) 253-1431.

Email Prayer Requests

You can also fill out an online prayer request here on our website.

Bulletin Prayer Requests

We have a prayer list in our weekly bulletin. If you would like to be on the list, please let us know.

We only place people on the list if they request it or the family has permission to do so. They stay on for a approximately a month unless requested otherwise.

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