The 2025 Nominating Committee has begun taking nominations for Elders and Deacons. We would love to know who you think would be good for these roles.
Officer Descriptions Elder Deacon 2025
Frequently Asked Questions:
Who may be suggested as a candidate?
All active members are eligible for nomination, except those currently serving on the session or those whose terms of service ended in 2024 or will end in 2025 or those currently serving as deacons. A member does not need to be previously ordained.
What about the youth elder?
It is the custom of this church to elect a rising sophomore or junior in high school for a two-year term.
Who may recommend a candidate?
Any member of FPCA may recommend candidates.
Do I need permission from the candidate?
No, the Nominating Committee will verify candidates’ willingness to serve before they are nominated. (You need prior permission only if you choose to make a nomination from the floor during a congregational meeting.)
May I submit my own name?
How do I suggest someone for the office of elder or deacon?
You may submit your nominations electronically at or fill out one of the forms in pew racks, the narthex, or Wallace Foyer. If you prefer, you may call Liz Thurston in the church office and request that a form be mailed to you.
The Nominating Committee will seek to nominate a slate of candidates that will represent the rich diversity within this congregation.