Koinonia Group–Lent 2025 Koinonia Groups are small groups of people at FPCA who commit to meet together to grow spiritually through faith conversations, prayer, and fellowship. These groups of seven to nine people will meet weekly during Lent. Koinonia Group participants and leaders will meet with their groups at a kickoff lunch on February 16, after the 11 am service. At this meeting everyone will go over the goals of the Koinonia groups, learn about group dynamics and best practices, and receive an overview of expectations. If you can’t attend on February 16, please let Shannon know so you can arrange a make-up date. For Lent, we are using N.T. Wright’s brand new book, From Wilderness to Glory: Lent and Easter for Everyone. You may purchase this resource from your favorite supplier.
FAQs What does Koinonia mean? Koinonia is a Greek word used in the New Testament to speak about the fullness of Christian community. We know from reading about Jesus and his disciples, about Paul and his ministry partners, the earliest churches in Acts, and in many of the letters in the New Testament, of the need and value for spiritual friends—not only for the friendships, but for how they foster spiritual formation. What are the goals of the Koinonia Groups? The goals of the Koinonia Groups are:
- to help us grow spiritually as disciples of Jesus.
- to give each person at FPCA a place of belonging
- to help each person at FPCA have faith conversations on life in a safe place
- to help each person pray for others in the church and to receive prayer
How often do the groups meet? In addition to the February 16 kickoff lunch, they meet weekly for 60-75 minutes, for six weeks.
How will the groups be formed? Groups will be put together according to:
- When you can meet.
- Where you want to meet.
- Whether or not you want to be in a group with people at same or diverse ages and life stages.
- Have you done a small group before?
- Would you be interested in leading/hosting or helping lead/host a group?
Can I form my own group? Absolutely! Please contact Shannon with the names of those in your group so that we can support your group on this journey.
Where will they meet? Koinonia Groups will meet in homes, in meeting rooms in the community (many of our libraries have meeting rooms), or at church. Each group can decide where they will meet.
What if we need childcare? We will work with our parent groups to meet at church when we have children’s programming or childcare. Parents can also set up their own childcare. For groups who need childcare in the home, we can also provide vouchers to help pay for childcare if needed. Please speak with Shannon.
This sounds like a big commitment! Any experience of growth in life requires intentionality and time. Small groups are the best way to grow spiritually. We think it is well worth it to set this time aside for your spiritual formation. It really breaks down to 75-90 minutes for 6 weeks beginning February 16.
How big will the groups be? The groups will be 8-10 people. This is a good size for most homes, a large enough group for good discussion, but small enough that everyone can talk. It is also a good size if for one session your group needs to meet on Zoom.
Can we meet only on Zoom? Not to start with. Once groups have bonded, then Zoom can work, but it is much better for groups to start in person in terms of getting to know one another, listening to each other, and trusting each other.
For how long will they meet? Groups should plan on meeting for 75-90 minutes. It is important to start and finish on time. If there is socializing before or after, that is fine, but to honor commitments, starting and finishing on time is critical.
How much homework will there be? We ask that you read the daily devotions and make note of what you find interesting or challenging and be ready to discuss. Each day has reflection questions, so make a note to share which ones you found most thought provoking and be ready to share. We also encourage you to pray for the members of your small group each day.
Who will lead the group? Each group will have a primary convener, but the hope is that each person will lead a session. Everyone will be trained on best practices at the kickoff lunch. This way everyone understands what is expected and can practice!
What if I have to miss a week? Ideally you won’t! But your group may be able to Zoom you in, conference call you in, or catch you up later. There is also some wiggle room in the schedule so if several people are missing a given week, you can just push your discussion out a week. We don’t recommend this unless most of your people can’t be there a given week. What will we study? For Lent, we will be using the NT Wright Book From Wilderness to Glory: Lent and Easter for Everyone.
What if I am already in a group? Your group can use this resource as well!
What happens after the groups are finished? Your group will have the opportunity to decide. Your group may want to continue or can disband and reform with a different mix. Some of your group may step out and you can welcome new people. Your group may also split and start a new group.
Will there be food/meal as part of the group? We suggest that people bring their own beverage and hosts provide only the simplest of snacks if any at all. Meals together outside of your regular meeting time is fine, but food adds complexity and can be a barrier for some to hosting the group. We do suggest a closing meeting/celebration that can have food.
Dallas Willard writes in his Renovation of the Heart, “Spiritual formation, without regard to any specifically religious context or tradition, is the process by which the human spirit or will is given a definite “form” or character. It is a process that happens to everyone.” For more information or to sign up, please reach out to Shannon at sjordan@fpcasheville.org.