Children’s Ministries
Children and Families
Faith Formations for Children Through 5th Grade
Children are a vital part of our FPCA community! Honoring the promises made at baptism, we offer faith formation and music education, worship, fellowship, play, and service opportunities for children and families to be nurtured in their faith. We want FPCA to be an extended family to the parents and children who are part of our congregation–experiencing the love and care of God through their church family.
Godly Play
Beginning at age 3, and continuing through the 5th grade, the children of FPCA are invited to join age-appropriate Godly Play classrooms during the 9:45 am faith formation hour.
Godly Play is a Montessori-based method of faith formation that recognizes that all children have an innate sense of the presence of God. The Godly Play method moves through the liturgical year, modeling worship, religious language, symbols, and rituals of the Christian congregation.
Using beautiful story-telling materials, open-ended wondering questions, and creative response materials, children come close to God and one another as they experience a caring community of faith together.
Nursery Care
Nursery care is available for children, usually ages 0-5, during Sunday morning worship services and the faith formation hour.
Nursery care is also available during other special services and programs. Our caregivers are loving and familiar faces to our families.
Our nursery staff has received CPR and child safety training. Nursery is from 8:30 am until 12:30 in rooms 102 & 103.
FPCA Child and Youth Protection Policy
The safety of children and youth is important at FPCA.
Our Child and Youth Protection policy provides for background checks for staff and volunteers, and training in safety and best practices.
Children’s Choir
There are two choirs for children at FPCA.
Choristers, for children in 3rd – 5th grade, is led by Jeremy Roberts. Cherub Choir, for children K – 2nd grade, is led by Kim Thomas.
Both choirs meet on Wednesday evenings from September through early May. Kids can be dropped off anywhere between 5:15-5:50 for dinner in the fellowship hall.
At 6:00 we move to rehearsals where we learn about faith, worship, and music all while having fun. Kids will learn the ins and outs of our worship, how to read the hymnal, and become literate in music. We often use our collection of drums and rhythm instruments, chimes and bells, and Orff instruments. The kid’s choirs sing in worship on the 2nd Sunday of the month.
Upcoming Events
You’re invited!
Parent Night Out
February 2. Parents of children fifth grade and below bring your children for games, crafts, dinner and a movie then meet other parents for a time of fun and conversation at a local restaurant. Drop children off at 4:30 on Children's Hall 4:30-6:30 pm. Parent...