Local Partners

Local Mission Partners

Each year we serve with and give to each of the partners listed below.

We believe in their work, and they share our mission of making peace and justice.

Click the images below for more information.

Loaves and Fishes

An interfaith alternative gifts fair that offers opportunities to support Asheville non-profits doing great work in our communities.

A collaborative effort between FPCA, Trinity Episcopal, and Central Methodist (the “Church Street Collaborative”) which strives to bring much-needed awareness to issues at the heart of our ministries.

In November 2022, the Loaves and Fishes web page will launch showcasing 12-16 non-profits and their work with opportunities to support any or all of our participants with a donation via the web page. An in-person event will be held on Sunday, December 4, 2022, to meet and greet our participating agencies at FPCA.

Contact Jamie Brady with questions at mission@fpcasheville.org.

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